Using the Evolver Clone. Is that me?

Yet more experiments with Evolver. I tried using the single photo upload and then adjusting the regsitration points on the face. The result is interesting I think.
evolver photo clone
It was from this delightful glasses removed picture of my goodself. See what you think.
Quick image for avatar face creation
As an avatar augmentalist rather than a realist I think I prefer the more extreme cartoon or enhanced avatars to the photo real. I was getting a little bit of personal uncanny valley each time I try pasting my face into something. So I will stick with the previous AV for now.

2 thoughts on “Using the Evolver Clone. Is that me?

  1. Pred:

    Interesting. At first I didn’t think that it was that close, but after a couple of minutes I began to feel like it got at the idea of you — much as any kind of caricature or impression would — in ways that transcend photrealism.

  2. I have found it odd even using that photo of the AV in a few things. I prefer more obvious expressions, the odd eightbar or now feedingedge tattoo on a guitar hero AV, but maybe I can be won around to this middle ground

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