About Feeding Edge

Taking a bite out of new technology so you don’t have to

Feeding Edge was a consulting company (2009-2016) Now primarily the publisher of Reconfigure and Cont3xt and a blog representing the personal views of Epredator / Ian Hughes

Founded by epredator (Ian Hughes) metaverse evangelist, tribal leader and public speaker and developer with over 18 years experience in a single large corporation. Half of that time has been spent on leading edge, initially scary, technology and solutions in customer facing engagements

Epredator led the way for enterprises to explore virtual worlds and new communication technologies in a way that made sense. Passionately evangelising and gathering support speaking to over 40,000 people in 2 years, not including tv, books and blogging.

The technology we are faced with today is not just about version numbers, specifications and function points, it is about integrating with people and with real lives.

There is a radical change occuring to the industrialized corporate entity and all businesses and individuals need to be aware of whats coming their way and how to engage sensibly.

Note – As of April 2016 this is kept here as an archive
Feeding Edge provides services to companies, conferences and individuals who need:

  • To know why virtual worlds, virtual reality and the metaverse make sense for business
  • To hear the story of the creation of an enterprise wide tribe using social media
  • The personal story of a digital native (a.k.a. my life online as epredator)
  • Presentations, talks, formal and informal on all aspects of emerging technology
  • Games to augmented reality to 3d printing/rapid fabrication changing manufacturing are just some of the topics that can be brought to you.
  • A rare mixture of technical delivery and thought leadership can be applied to any project.
  • A full stack architect and developer

If you think a way people are using a technology is either a joke or a threat, Feeding Edge will aim to make it obvious for you and help you make the most of it from then on.

Note as of April 2016 this is the core business of Feeding Edge

Publishers of epredator’s Sci-Fi novels Reconfigure and Cont3xt

epredator [at] feedingedge.co.uk

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