Another metaverse explainer layer

Just before the holidays I posted an experiment video built with genAI tools to explain the evolution of the metaverse that may not always be obvious, as people often wait for a big bang of a product. Instead we see the ever increasing digital transition of our real time interactions, just as we have done with maps to GPS location to full GPS with traffic and route finding. Which is itself s digital twin of the world that many of us interact with daily in our cars and on our phones. That video is in this post.

Following on from that is this one that shows further things that can be done with the very same assets that made a sequential video, but now split into a presentation layout using virtual space. Plus a little bit about how dynamic virtual worlds can be. The primary message is that a GenAi video in a virtual world is not that far from being an entire virtual world to explore itself. We explore 3d data all the time ourselves in games, and in mapping too. Sometimes we do need to be spoon fed content, as in a video or a ppt deck, but other times it’s better to look and experience at your own pace. This virtual world concept for presentations is not a new one. Back in 2009 I wrote about trying a different presentation style laying out panels in Second Life, and also used it for rehearsing my first of many TV slots too in 2010 this one on 3D printers. Now what has become easier is the creation of the content in the first place. Well, I say easier, it’s different, still lots of trial and error and you need a bit of a vision for what you are trying to do.

I used my account for this, but also to extend tech experiment I used a custom deployment through Unity to see how it all worked from that point of view too. So this is a mix of native tools and their base world items, and some extras that I pumped int through Unity. (They have recently changed their licensing and access to not posting the spatial link as it may need some work 🙂 )

Reusing metaverse content in the metaverse to describe the metaverse….

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