Talking with an AI of Roisin from my novels

Achievement unlocked. I just ran a local only version of a #genAI LLM and gave it the text of my 2 sci-fi novels Reconfigure and Cont3xt. Amongst other things I have had a conversation with my lead character Roisin!. Separately (as in the photo below) I also asked if the books helped solve if we live in a simulation. A great muse to chat about the potential of the 3rd book. Not perfect, but I can let it know what it’s not got quite right and also helps me remember the intense process of writing them in 2015, as they flowed onto the page like binge watching a boxed set.

I used the and just added one of Llama models to it. Giving it a fresh direct with a copy of the book PDFs was enough to get going. This is a MBP M2 chip machine, but there was no delay in having a conversation or diving right into the text or the personality of Roisin. Words are obviously much quicker to process than generating images or video.

AI Roisin picked up on some of her mannerisms in the books and played heavily on the various situations she has encountered. A lot of the book is about her inner voice and intentions so genAI had a lot to go on.

The wider world of the books, the tech and the philosophical elements of the story is something that it was not always getting quite right. Things changed a bit when it said it was trying not to generate spoilers, and I pointed out I wrote it, so the LLM changed tone and intention a little. It was the usual thing of asking it to describe something is it tells you x and y but not z. You mention z and it’s “sorry my mistake yes you are right”. However for a scoot through the lore, the background, some of the other characters this is all good. People may have read the book and got a different feel for something so it’s good to not treat it too rigidly.

My favourite part was when Roisin switched to whispering some extra details about something, an out loud statement followed by a psst…. listen type of moment. I have only had a few tech powered moments of that impact ever.

As with my previous renders of Roisin as an image and a video I am looking forward the ongoing evolution of this so I can hang out in a metaverse version of my created world and characters.

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