Capturing my father’s day moment

This is a really quick one but very related to the initial Metameets post about machinima I just did before my mega post I need to do later.
On getting back home the Predlets had bought me Dirt3 for Fathers Day. I could not resist this integration. The walled garden (but very effective) Xbox 360 links directly to your youtube account and you can publish parts of your replay. There are a few controls on speed and clipping etc. It works though.
I think the stunt section will be interesting, the racing is good but very similar for everyone. (not got to that this was only my 3rd go).
However, it lets me capture my experience in my context and share it.

This sort of thing has been done before to some degree, blur tweeted for instance.
So life performance and expression through car avatars. Even Disney don’t do that with Lightning McQueen and co 🙂

3 thoughts on “Capturing my father’s day moment

  1. Pingback: More fancy graphics, great integration and a lot of fun « Life at the Feeding Edge

  2. Pingback: Streets ahead (nearly) with Driver SF « Life at the Feeding Edge

  3. Pingback: Gadget Show Live 2012 – Press day « Life at the Feeding Edge

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