Rezzing on a stage near you

Feeding Edge is going on tour, fresh from the most enjoyable Metanomics interview in Second Life I am taking my brand of futurology, enthusiasm and technology geekness to Northern Ireland. I have been invited to Awaken Creative Entrepreneurship (ACE) 25th March – 27th March in Derry.
ACE conference

The conference website  and the eventbrite entry has many more details.

My job is to both open the event with a keynote to set the tone, but also very much to participate in the rest of the event, much of it is in an unconference format.

I was very interested in this particular event because it aims to mix all sorts of people from all sorts of professions and industries. The intersections of parts of creativity in all pursuits is where true innovation happens. You have to combine and mix people, if two groups are stuck in two different ways of doing things, they will inevitably question one another’s approaches and in an open environment such a conference like this good things will happen. Even just take a look at the set of speakers and you will see a diverse set of people, education, games, software companies, finance, hardware, media development to name but a few. Mix in the very integrated close cooperation that delegates have in the unconference format and we are going to spark some great ideas.

I know the sort of areas I will be hitting in the opening session. The key being that we are the most disruptive technology and we now have ways to connect and disrupt that where unheard of even 10 years ago. Hopefully see some of you there, lets get going with this.

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