3DS Ignition launch party

Thursday night I headed to London to meet up with some of the Cool Stuff Collective team as we had VIP media tickets to the Nintendo 3DS launch event. This was of course a very exciting invite. We were not filming anything, but the chance to mingle, to play some pre-release games and to be at a great music gig too was impossible to say no to!
I am sure many media people go to these things all the time, but for me it was a bit of a novelty.
We had to stand in a short queue the other side from the actual red carpet. Jodie Kidd was just arriving as we got there so it took a little while for the photographers to finish before we snuck in past them.
The venue was the Old Billingsgate hall on the bank of the Thames. After a little bit of confusion about names on the list (there were five of us, a small amout of “don’t you know who we are” we were ushered, given a gold write band and headed up stairs.
It was a very impressive set up. There were on the mezzanine level (where you needed the wrist band) stand after stand of 3DS with every game there is for it, so it seemed. We were suspended above the main floor where there other party guests and competition winners were able to play on even more machines.
The public 3ds play stands
We had to do the usual set of party pictures.
Celebs :)
I was also wearing my g33k t-shirt, though I probably should have gone incognito 🙂
Matt got to meet some fellow costume based performance artists too.
Not mushroom in here
The 3DS is really great and I can’t wait until my one arrives (cough… Amazon !!!! you missed the release data).
It really is 3d
The highlight of the evening though was the music gig we were able to wander down to the floor and also escape the crush back upstairs again 🙂
Russel Kane intro's acts
Hadukon got the energy level up with a great set but I really was looking forward to seeing Plan B. They were absolutely brilliant live! DJ Yoda did a fantastic set after that too and took us off into the night.
The only slight problem was that I had to get up (having stayed over in London) and head up to Scunthorpe to give a talk to 200 sixth form students. I was a little croaky for the talk but I think it went well 🙂
Now where is my 3DS! I have two games and no console
Something missing from this picture
We couldn’t get them off the display stands to take home 🙂
Sy and 3ds

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