Flyer for BCS Animation and Games Development SG – Bangor

The British Computer Society Specialist Group for Animation and Games Development has its first meeting on Wednesday, that all are welcome to in Bangor. As an update to that here is the flyer that has been produced.
Whilst this meeting is not being held in Second Life (yet) Bangor University has an island that you may like to visit here



If a BCS member, joining the proposed BCS Annimation and Games SG is possible now via the members area

Anyone, whether BCS member or not, may now register to attend (free of charge) the inaugural meeting of the SG at 14.00 on Wednesday 28 July 2010 at Technium CAST, Parc Menai, Bangor LL57 4HJ. Booking possible via:

At the business session, at 2pm, the constitution for the SG will be formally adopted and the nominees for the committee voted in. This will be followed by the state of the art, ‘3D Environments and 3D Power Wall’starting about 2.30. The event is expected to finish at 16.00.

Hopefully see some of you there, or failing that at some of the events around the country.

One thought on “Flyer for BCS Animation and Games Development SG – Bangor

  1. Pingback: 164 – Playing games while recording : Dogear Nation ยป Podcast

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