It is well worth checking out 100 Robots, this video Jim Purbrick just posted is really well put together, a catchy song with a bite of social commentary and some great mixing in with Aleks’s interviews from the Digital Revolution (I still have not managed to get to a live gig much to my own annoyance)
” song about biometrics, click tracking, online privacy, Phorm, governmental data loss, corruption and the surveillance state. Features interviews with Chris Anderson, John Battelle, Sherry Turkle and Lee Tien from the BBC Digital Revolution rushes. Filmed and directed by Chris Cole.”
Nice work I think. The lyrics indicate the potential benefit that someone has of providing a “free” service but that we pay with with our information, our Kudos, our time or our support. Done well of course it can be for common good. Done badly, i.e. like a government system that loses data, or where information is abused for profit to the detriment of others, it is a concern.
Of course you can just sing along with the hook 🙂
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