Today I cut a video for a conference presentation, that may or may not make the cut. However I was happy with my 5 minute monologue. A single take I might add! Edited it all up threw up some overlays and viola.
Its about AR, where that fits with virtual worlds and 3d printers. Obvious really.
See what you think.
Just in case I haven’t said it as of late Ian… you rock.
Hope to see you at Wimbly, even if just for a visit. Ping Andy; maybe he can get you in on contract to do virtual stuff. 😉
You rock too Judge. (You may have noticed your house in the background of the mini SL vignette as I was standing on Andy’s boat) I am sure I will come up and see you all this year for a beer.
Very nicely done Ian. How I wish I could ad-lib as coherently as that.
Thanks James 🙂 maybe I just talk to myself too much.
Yeah, I saw that. 🙂 Feel free to use my pad anytime you need. 😉