AR, virtual worlds,3d printing plus me

Today I cut a video for a conference presentation, that may or may not make the cut. However I was happy with my 5 minute monologue. A single take I might add! Edited it all up threw up some overlays and viola.
Its about AR, where that fits with virtual worlds and 3d printers. Obvious really.

See what you think.

5 thoughts on “AR, virtual worlds,3d printing plus me

  1. Just in case I haven’t said it as of late Ian… you rock.

    Hope to see you at Wimbly, even if just for a visit. Ping Andy; maybe he can get you in on contract to do virtual stuff. 😉


  2. You rock too Judge. (You may have noticed your house in the background of the mini SL vignette as I was standing on Andy’s boat) I am sure I will come up and see you all this year for a beer.

  3. Yeah, I saw that. 🙂 Feel free to use my pad anytime you need. 😉

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