
I will talk and Hollywood will Listen

There is a great article in the LA Times I saw Twittered more than once today about the coming batch if Game/Virtual World related movies about to entertain/annoy/discredit or legitimise the sort of things we are all up to.

, originally uploaded by OfficialAvatarMovie.

Avatar obviously sounds like one that fits the current avatar and islands models, though of course it really looks like it is not about virtual avatars as much as about mind and body sharing. This of course fits with the fact that Avatar (or a derivative) is related to a more supernatural/religious use of an incarnation. So yes we have geeked out and assumed it only means a digital representation, but language is fluid.
I am sure these films will be entertaining, but we may have next generation of the “hey I know this operating system… tap tap tap” “logoff now!!!” etc… which I suppose we will just have to pretend isn’t happening 🙂
Movies, TV and general entertainment culture do start to bring a mass acceptance even if the movies are exploring the potential darkside and off the rails side of social and technology innovation.
I have heard (and probably used myself) the example of Minority Report style interfaces when talking about AR and gesture based interfaces. It is that that I think most people remember and lock onto more so that the serious implications of judging someone based on a precognition of what crime they might commit.
That’t not to say we don’t have to keep a watchful eye on all the misuse of tech, ID cards, CCTV, spying, hacking, DNA databases but in general I find it better to focus on the positive uses and we will evolve ourselves around the power mad control freaks.
I am not sure any Hollywood script writers/film makers need a 42 year old brit to play an ex-corporate metaverse evangelist with an idealistic streak for the common good of people interacting and making work and life more interesting. However if they do, just tweet me 🙂